Thursday, September 3, 2020

ESPW Chapter 12 – The Enchanter and Artificial Sword Master Intelligent

Chapter 12 – The Enchanter and Artificial Sword Master Intelligent

Hi readers,

Starting today we move to a new website:

Please visit our new website to read the next chapter. 

Thank you.

LN&WN Warrior


  1. Easy victory. I want that enchantment. I want all the enchantments. How could his previous party think they could live without the augments? Curious about how they are faring.

    1. In ch 3 he mentioned that people grow stronger from defeating monsters. They likely felt that they had grown strong enough that his enchantments were no longer part of their success.

      MC had likely been with them so long they forgot just how much of a boost his optimizes enchantments were giving them.

      As to their fate, the narrative cuts to them again in ch 16, so wait and see. ;)
