Tuesday, September 15, 2020

ESPW Chapter 16 – Enchant “Quite Sleep” on Every Inn Rooms and Insane Slayer’s Current Situation (Part 2)

Chapter 16 – Enchant “Quite Sleep” on Every Inn Rooms and Insane Slayer’s Current Situation (Part 2)

Hi readers,

Starting today we move to a new website:


Please visit our new website to read the next chapter. 

Thank you.

LN&WN Warrior


  1. So Royle is making M's while Insane Slayers are taking L's. Lol.thanks for the chapter

  2. Good-good... Killing them right away wouldn't be fun, it is better to toying with them. Making them a laughing stock, a 'joke' if you will.

  3. It feels like this was written by a 14 year old. What's up with these stories about parties throwing out obviously OP people for stupid reasons?

  4. Can't wait to see how many failures it will take to snap that arrogance of theirs...
